Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are a time tested, holistic approach to obtaining whole-body wellness, addressing your health concerns, and preventing disease. Crystal Best - your Registered Acupuncturistwill take a detailed health history, perform a physical exam, and discuss the relationship between lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise, and your overall health.
A thorough inspection of the tongue and pulse are diagnostic tools that are unique to Traditional Chine Medicine. With this information, Crystal will provide you with detailed diagnosis and treatment plan.
Furthermore, Crystal will discuss the types of treatments and therapies you will receive, the underlying causes of the imbalances, and a time line of care.
Beneficial therapy according to the World Health Organization (WHO). They have cited the efficacy of acupuncture for over 140 medical conditions.Acupuncture is can treat anything that does not require a trip to the emergency room or immediate surgery.
Short list of what Acupuncture can treat:
•Fertility, IVF and IUI Support •Pregnancy-related symptoms •Pain, Strains, Sciatica •Allergies, Asthma •Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Mental Wellness •Bell’s palsy, Trigeminal neuralgia, and TMJ •Headache and Migraine •Hypertension and Hypotension •Insomnia •Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue •Gout, Arthritis •Hot Flashes, Menopause, PMS •Asthma •Cancer related symptoms (including pain) •Digestive disorders
& many more conditions benefit from regular acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture works with you MIND, BODY, SOUL.... we work with you in order to regain your quality of life.
Acupuncture is a time tested medical practice with a history over three-thousand years. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization to be an effective treatment for many illnesses and conditions, doing so by stimulating the body to naturally correct imbalances in the flow of energy – Qi (Chee).
This is done by inserting ultra-fine, sterile disposable acupuncture needles underneath the skin at specific points in the body. With the insertion of fine needles the energy can be moved or redirected to where it is needed most.
These acupuncture points are related to energy pathways or meridians that run throughout the entire length of the body.
When the flow of Qi is disrupted due to stress, trauma, poor diet, injury or other condition, pain, illness, and even psychological and emotional disorders can result.